Win a full version of our high-quality
Accessibility Audit

Enter for a chance to win a professional accessibility audit and ensure your website is accessible to everyone.

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Illustration of a person sitting at a table in front of a laptop showing icons which means that he is doing several different things at the computer

Accessibility Matters.
It Benefits Everyone.

New Regulations will begin on June 28, 2025

Digital accessibility means that people with disabilities or impairments can understand, perceive, navigate, and interact with digital products without difficulties.

An accessible product not only helps people with permanent disabilities but also benefits temporarily impaired users and older individuals with mobility and sensory limitations.

The BFSGV "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz" (Accessibility Strengthening Act) will come into force on June 28, 2025, making it a mandatory requirement for many companies and thus an urgent issue.

"The internet is for everyone - but it won't be until it can be accessed without limitation." From Vinton Crew, Father of the internet.

European Accessibility Act.
What It's about.

It's the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on accessibility requirements for products and services.

Obliges member states, among other things, to make all online commerce accessible to consumers with disabilities.

Implemented through national laws e.g., "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz" (Accessibility Strengthening Act).

From June 28, 2025, national laws must be applied.


The Prize.
What you Win.


Detailed Issue Documentation
You'll receive a comprehensive report documenting the identified issues, including screenshots, brief descriptions, and specific action steps for improvement.


Organized Finding Tables
An easy-to-navigate Excel spreadsheet will summarize the findings, aligned with WCAG standards, to facilitate efficient internal follow-up.


Remote Consultation Session
A remote session will be provided to discuss the findings in detail and clarify any questions, ensuring a clear path forward.

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Our Full Service
For Free!

Enter the prize draw and receive our expert service at full capacity, completely free of charge.

By ensuring your website or app is accessible, you can reach a broader audience, meet all legal requirements in time, and, most importantly, contribute to making digital services accessible to everyone, enabling economic and social inclusion for all!

Illustration of a flip chart board with text "for free"

Take Your Chance.
Good Luck!